Arusuvai Friendship Chain; Another Season, The Celebration Begins - A Homemaker's Diary

Arusuvai Friendship Chain; Another Season, The Celebration Begins

10:07 AM

Before I start this post let me say Sorry to Bharathy as I could not keep up with my promises. She is a wonderful person which explains why she is still bearing with me when I single handedly delayed this whole post. This year has been very eventful for me and by that I mean everything went wrong. some incidents happened and is still happening to us that almost knocked us off, scared us to death and made us sick and tired. almost everything was on stake but then by God's grace we are safe and with his blessings fighting each and everyday. I don't want to talk about it much but things were and are not on my side lately...am so sorry for my delay but still I wanted to give it my best shot as this topic is very close to my heart.

It was the beginning of this year when I contacted Bharathy about the Arusuvai Friendship chain. before I tell about this friendship let me first tell you something that i never have revealed so far. my reason to enter the blogosphere. after my marriage I came to Bangalore, almost to an empty house. in this process of making a home for ourselves I started enjoying my role as a homemaker. I started experimenting with different cuisine and that was the time when I was introduced to food blogging. I found those recipes more trust worthy...as they are tried, tasted and real with a concern for family's health. I almost started spending my weekday afternoons browsing various blogs. on one such lazy afternoon I stumbled upon a blog where the blogger talked about this beautiful online friendship between food bloggers. I was touched with this and thought to myself that it must have been an awesome feeling to be a part of this community that shares almost everything, from recipes to feelings to ingredients. I might sound funny here but think of a channel where you have never met the other person but can open up your heart to ask for their opinion almost on everything...for me that was amazing and soon it intrigued me to be a part of this wonderful community with my little culinary knowledge. but by the time I was well aware of the various things going on in the community The Arusuvai chain was no where to be seen. so I contacted Bharathy to know the status and to start another season of this amazing friendship called Arusuvai.

The Inside Story:
Arusuvai Friendship chain is an online effort to touch the hearts of food bloggers across the world with a mystery ingredient and a promise of friendship. this was started in 2007 by Mrs. Latha Narasimhan of the 'Yum blog'.it was inspired by the Amish Friendship chain in the US which led her to think to start something similar to identify and unite Indian food bloggers too. in the beginning it worked as a chain by sending along a surprise ingredient to a friend to prepare something tasty with it, share the recipe and then passing on another mystery element to more people to continue the chain. Lathamma started the process by sending Bharathy and Renuka some mystery ingredient. she aptly named it Arusuvai which means " six tastes (aru=six, suvai=taste) in Tamizh and is used to refer for Tasty preparation with six tastes – inippu/ thithippu (sweet), orappu/ karam (hot), kassappu (bitter) , pulippu (sour), uppu(salt), tuvarpu (tastes that one gets in raw leaves). Her talented daughter Lakshmi came up with these beautiful logos for the event.

Later the format changed a little as Bharathy said, "Lakshmi and Lathamma were on a break. However, initially the chain went well with the predominant bloggers who knew one another. One more month to go and there was scarcity of recipients as many of the bloggers confronted with the same problem- who to send next??" 

So Bharathy and Srivalli started co-ordinating the whole process of identifying and listing interested bloggers and planning the donors and recipients. Finally they came up with a huge number of 50 food bloggers from all over India interested to start a new friendship with the help of Arusuvai. It was a daunting task which these two girls did with great enthusiasm and sincerity. you must read about their experience HERE and HERE.

Lets Join Hands:
Now cut to present time where I have got the green signal to again give it a fresh start but I with my problems delayed it so much. but as they say it's always better late than never so here I am, feeling extremely privileged and honored to announce another season of Arusuvai chain. so what are you waiting for friends? come along and be a part of this most cherished online friendship. I already have got my mystery package from Bhagrathy (recipe coming in next post) and trust me buddies cooking with an mystery ingredients is more fun and exciting than you think.

now to the rules. the basic rule of the game goes like:

1. Bharathy has started the chain by sending me the secret ingredient. I will pass on the chain by sending mystery packages to 2 bloggers. They in turn will do the same to others, this way the chain will continue till we exhaust the list of all interested bloggers.

2. Now, the person who receives the package cooks something tasty with this and 
a. post recipe with a picture
b. the Recipe headline must include the name of Arusuvai. 
c. the post must include the Donor's name and the link of his/her blog
d. the links of the announcement posts (THIS ONE and BHARATHY'S and SRIVALLI's)
e. the links of the beginning posts of Bharathy, Srivalli and Lathamma
with the Arusuvai logo

(to get more idea of how it works you can click on any name on this round up.

3. If you don't blog, do share the recipe with the friend who gave it to you or post it as a guest post on someone you know who blogs.

4. bloggers and interested friends living outside India could also participate if you have an Indian address where we can send the package.

To start with I would volunteer to co ordinate the whole process and Bharathy has also confirmed to help by spreading the word. so please friends come forward and leave a comment with your name and email id at the end of this post or HERE or HERE. I will contact you within 48 hours. Please leave a comment within the next 3 weeks that is by 20th December'2010,  anytime you want but be quick to experience the fun at the earliest.  if you have any more questions please leave a comment or mail me at 

So don't wait much girls, come lets have fun together with what we enjoy most...our passion for cooking!!!

Hope to see you all in the chain soon.



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  1. Lots of best wishes for this great event and for your family,Sayantani....leaving for Kolkata today

  2. Such a great idea..!!By the time I wanted to be a part of the Arusuvai chain,Bharathy and Srivalli were almost winding it up.It is so exciting to be part of this..I am in!!

  3. Hi! Love to be a part of the chain. I am Gayathri Kumar.gayathriraani@yahoo.in

  4. Wow...great idea...Its fun to join in the chain...count me in dear..
    Tasty Appetite

  5. Best wishes for this famous event dear, keep enjoying..

  6. Sounds so wonderful..good luck on your exciting venture :)

  7. I wish I was in India to particiapte in this celebration.

  8. that sounds thoroughly interesting..
    Thanks for that suggestion about the condensed milk cake..i have tried it out before and im an absolute fan of it :)

  9. Sounds like a lot of fun! I do love food blogging because of the connection and friendships to other food bloggers:)

  10. Cool event Sayantani..absolutely new idea, I wish I were in India so I could participate..

  11. Best wishes Sayantani!!! I wish I were in India to participate in this event....

  12. Wow!!!! this is an intersting event. Would love to participate.
    My email id is veena060669@gmail.com

    Please let me know

    This is really going to be fun. Please count me in

  13. Sayantani,
    I received your parcel today!
    Yay! Loving all the goodies!..even now I am munching at them!
    A Big Great bear hug to you!!! :)
    My son is finishing them fast and I took pics thinking to blog it today itself and came here to leave the comment...
    Alas! I see the arusuvai post! :)..
    So I will also make the announcement and post your goodlies in the next post.

    No need to apologise and all girl, me staying patient and all is nothing.Even I had prolonged it for my personal issues like mom's surgery etc...and you had much bitter time for you too...it's all understandable!...so dont worry abt that, pls! :)

    I am excited to see our girls coming up to be a part of the chain, here!!!!
    Let it be one to one...one person sending to one, sothat we can keep the chain alive for a longer period. You can send it over to Divya.Let her send it to Gayathri, who in turn will send it to Jay.Within that time we will have a few more joining in too..

    Is it fine, sayantani?

    Bharathy :)

  14. I was part of the first chain and would love to be a part of it this time too. Count me in.....

  15. Hi Sayantani,
    This is something interesting...I wish I could join in too...but am not in India!!

  16. If I was in India i could be part of it.

  17. I'm excited to participate :)
    Count me in.....

  18. Lovely idea... gals...
    Wish I was in India to be a part of this event :)

  19. Hi my dear!
    Sounds like a fun event!
    Here is the answer to your question: I have not tried with normal flour and I am not sure that the texture would be the same with regular flour (the point is that they are a bit chewy!!). If you prefer to use flour, I would suggest to make the French" gougères" (little puff cheese balls that taste a bit similar to these ones). You could use my recipe for "petits choux à la crème" , omitting the sugar and adding about 100g or 150g of grated cheese.

  20. This is such a great event. I would love to be a part of it. However I am not in India. I would be reaching India in April. I also have an address in India. Plz update me on how I can go about it.


  21. Hey, I am Reva and new to blogging. what a wondeful idea to bring like minds together.I want to b a part of this chain. I am not in india at the moment but will b in april. i do have an indian address. just let me kow if i can participate. My email : revathi2dr@yahoo.co.uk.[or] revathi.madhanagopal@gmail.com.
    my blog:http://www.kaarasaaram.com/.
    Thanks in advance.

  22. Hi,

    Nice event...love this world of blogging as it has brought me a ot of new friends..lots of fun...loving it...would definitely participate in this...:)My id is drssameena@hotmail.com



  23. Hi,

    Nice event...love this world of blogging as it has brought me a ot of new friends..lots of fun...loving it...would definitely participate in this...:)My id is drssameena@hotmail.com



  24. Wow that's so exciting!When i used to read the posts about arusuvai chain I missed being a part of it.I wish I could now.I will be in India for a couple of months next year.Kindly let me know if I can join around that time.Its too good to miss :)
    PJ - seduceurtastebuds@gmail.com

  25. Hi,
    Just now saw about your event, this looks really cool and I would really to be part of this fun. can I still join?
    Please mail me at ayeesha.riaz@googlemail.com

  26. Hi Sayantani...thanks for visiting my space and for those very encouraging comments....Great event and I would love to be a part of this chain...I am in.

  27. Sayantani,

    jayashree of http://luvgoodfood.blogspot.com/ (chennai blogger~ seems she has already left a comment up there :)) and Aparna of http://www.mydiversekitchen.com/(blogger from Goa)had shown interest and have contacted me...
    see to it that you include them! :)


  28. What a lovely event, I wish I were in India..

  29. Hello Sayantani,

    Yes, last time I was a part of this arusuvai-friendship-chain. Thank you remembers me in this chain again. I would like to join in this chain.


  30. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about this sayantini. would love to be a part of round 2 as well. so count me in

  31. I would love to be a part of Arusuvai

  32. wonderful event....toobad im not in india!!

  33. Glad you let me know that the exciting event is back. Do add me on too.

  34. I am so in in this wonderful event..thanks Sayantani :)

  35. hei...was part of the previous chain and would love to be part of this chain also...count me in...(priyah3@yahoo.com)

  36. thanks thanks thanks everyone for your active participation. we will rock it for sure.

  37. best wishes on the event. I am interested in joining hands with you guys though I did not understand the whole process clearly. Since I am in India currently , I think it should work:) sharmikomal@gmail.com

  38. Hey Sayantani, am glad to know arusuvai is revived again...I'd love to be a part of this...I think its an awesome way to get the blogger network together...thanks so much for letting me know...

  39. Cool event wish I could be a part of it too!

    Liked your nippauttus _ are they the same as Thatais?

  40. Count me in.. Sorry I did not reply earlier to your comment on my blog..

  41. Thanks for starting it again and letting me know by commenting on my space. I am happy to be part of this chain again. Count me in.

  42. good event as u asked me to join the group.yes i am iterested but new so pl guide may this chain go long and we unite mmore bloggers

  43. Wow...........I'm soooooooo excited about this, I'll be surely be part of this chain.

  44. This event will surely make us a lot of friends.Lovely idea.

  45. great idea ! count me in.

  46. Hi,I am Hema. I would love to be a part of arusuvai-chain. count me in.


  47. Hello!
    Would like to be a part of this chain...sounds exciting.


  48. Hi,
    I am Reva and new to blogging.I would love to participate in this wonderful chain. I do have an indian address and will be in India in summer. my id: revathi2dr@yahoo.co.uk , kaarasaaram@yahoo.co.uk. Thanks in advance.

  49. Hey,
    I am Reva and new to blogging.I would love to participate in this wonderful chain and I do have an Indian address. let me know. my id: revathi2dr@yahoo.co.uk, kaarasaaram@yahoo.co.uk.

  50. Count me in too. Great idea of making Arusuvai chain

  51. Hi Sayantani,I back to India for good.Can I join?Please let me know
    - PJ , seduceurtastebuds@gmail.com

  52. Hi.
    Great Idea. Would love to participate. Pl let me know

  53. Hi,

    I'm a new blogger and oddly enough had been thinking of Masterchef inspired "Mystery Box" challenge for few days. Great to see that you have initiated something similar. I'm really keen to be part of it...if it's still open.
    Anamika - Taste Junction

  54. Not sure if you are still taking participants. I would love to join the chain. Thank you.

  55. A bit late here, would like to be in if the chain is open.

  56. Hi
    I hope I am not late.I would love to participate.Please count me in.

  57. Hi Sayantani
    Would love to participate if it is still going on.....

  58. Wish I was in India! Hopefully in Summer? :-)

  59. Are you still accepting participants, Sayantani? I'd love to hop on!

  60. I saw this today and maybe its a little late. If you are still accepting participants to the event, I'd love to be part of it..I am new to the blogging world, pls visit my food blog www.tothesenses.com

  61. This is so sweet..i know im really late,but are u still accepting newbies?

  62. Is it still going on?


  63. Hi Sayantani,
    I am totally excited to be part of this arusuvai team.YOur writeup to the event is so sweet and heartfelt.Please count me in.Hope I am not too late in joining,am seeing so many comments already in your box.
    my email id is

  64. Hi dear Sayantani,
    Thanks a lot for stopping by and ur lovely comments. Please count me in if the event is still going on.

  65. Dear Sayanntani,
    Great event. I want to become a part of this beautiful frienship chain. I am also doing it in Germany with some friends (Hermann kette as called in Germany).
    Name: Swati Gehlot
    email: meetswati11@yahoo.com
    Blog: http://swatigehlot.blogspot.com/
    Looking forward to your reply :)

  66. I would love to particpate in this and my email is samleekan@GMAIL.COM


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